Tragically the death of a loved one can occur in a workplace accident, a motor vehicle accident, or in some other circumstances due to the fault of a third party. Although a loved one can never be replaced, the law does offer remedy in these circumstances by way of compensation. These claims fall into two categories.
The first is known as loss of dependency or wrongful death. Such a claim may be brought by the dependents of a deceased person to recover damages for the financial loss the dependents will suffer due to the deceased no longer providing a source of income and services. Commonly, dependents include children and the spouse.
The second type of claim is for psychological injuries suffered by a person due to the trauma of their loved one’s death. There must be sufficient connection between the injured person and the deceased such that the psychological injury was a reasonably foreseeable consequence of the death.
On many occasions, claims may be brought in both categories as often dependents will have suffered psychological injury.
We at Your Claim Lawyers have considerable experience in both types of claims and have successfully acted for many clients in these most unfortunate of circumstances. Please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss the possibility of pursuing such claims.